I have explained that my horse and I are currently on a hiatus, and in the meantime, I get to mix it up and try out some other horses. For tonight's show, we have three contestants, and I'm going to let you as the audience decide which one I ride next! It's so exciting, I can hardly stand it! ;D
Let's introduce the lucky horses, shall we?
Behind door number one, we have... Sparky!
Known in the show ring as "Kamikaze", Sparky is a quirky little gelding measuring barely fifteen hands. He is a sorrel Quarter Horse known for his overzealous lead changes and striding that needs a little push. He's a great jumper with a rider that keeps him focused, but can easily get lazy with his jumps or settle into a poky pace. He requires a steady, easily-adjustable rider with iron calves and an intimidating-looking whip.
Behind door number two we have... Paris!
"Paris Lights" is a petite red chestnut mare of glossy coat and fine features. Paris's training is not completely polished yet, as is reflected in her sometimes skittish responses. She is a mare of sharp tongue and sensitive feelings who needs some encouragement over fences, although she can and will jump 3 feet on a good day. (Again, her training is a work in progress.) Her jumping has greatly benefited from her brief dressage training. She requires a rider who knows when to be gentle and when to be tough.
And our last bachelor of the evening! Behind door number three we have... Bombay!
Bombay is an ex-racehorse gelding who stands at least a hand above our follow contestants (literally, not figuratively). He can be exhilarating to ride, as he has a smooth, powerful jump that decides to show itself from time to time. He can also be a handful (i.e. the last time I rode him, I was flung into the metal fence [pictured above behind Sparky] of our arena when he panicked halfway through a jumper turn). He has a great heart, but he sometimes needs a reminder that he does have a brain as well.
And now that you've met our final contestant, it's time for the questions!
Question #1: What do you look for in an ideal rider?
Sparky: Someone who doesn't mind having to put some (okay, a lot) of effort in to push me to my potential, and certainly someone who doesn't mind sitting through a few little bucks now and then when I get excited.
Paris: I want a rider who can calm me down if I get a little freaked out and who'll let me follow Sparky over the scarier jumps. I also want a rider who's okay with not jumping too much because that gets to be more than I can handle.
Bombay: My ideal rider isn't afraid to go fast and can take control so that I don't have to. They're willing to work with my phobias and philias and give me a chance before judging me based on my past.
Question #2: What is the most appealing part of your personality?
Sparky: It'd have to be my charm, of course! And my easy-going nature.
Paris: My loyalty. When I find a rider I trust, I stick by their side.
Bombay: My love of fun and sense of adventure!
Question #3: If you were stranded in a deserted pasture, what would you do?
Sparky: Call at the top of my lungs for help! Anyone, anyone?? I CAN'T be alone out here! And even if I AM alone, at least I have the sound of my own voice to comfort me...
Paris: Find some decent shade, a good patch of grass, and eat a bit. No work to do? Count me in! I can exercise myself, thank you very much.
Bombay: Explore the land myself! If I liked the place, I could claim it as my own. If I didn't, I'd be bound to run into someone or find some way out.
Question #4: What is your life's motto?
Sparky: Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
Paris: When in doubt, duck on out!
Bombay: Carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe omnious. (Seize the day, seize the night, seize it all.)
And finally, our last question of the night folks! One more chance for our contestants to make a lasting impression...
Question #5: What is your idea of the perfect ride?
Sparky: Something nice and romantic... A lazy midnight canter on the beach with a trough full of apple cider waiting for us back at the barn. No need to rush or work too hard. Just you, me, and a pocketful of peppermints.
Paris: Dressage to music! I can relax into the beat and bend and flex and dance without worrying about jumping or other pesky horses being in the ring. I can be beautiful and the center of attention without having to stare down those big oxers!
Bombay: Probably something along the lines of a gymkhana. Lots of different little activities. Nothing I have to work too hard at, but can just have fun with and go for it! Still competitive, but without the stress and seriousness of a huge horse show. And plus, no snooty foreign warmbloods!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's all our time for questions! You've heard about the horses and seen them questioned intensely! Now it's time for you to make the decision: Which contestant will be the lucky horse? Is it Sparky, behind Door Number One? Paris, behind Door Number Two? Or Bombay, behind Door Number Three? Sign in and cast your votes now!
Disclaimer: I'm equally capable of handling all these horses, and I don't have a preference as to who I ride, or there would be no need for our little game show! Go ahead and vote; it's all in good fun!
As hard as it is to decide, I'm gonna have to go with (drum roll) Paris! Behind Door Number Two!
ReplyDeleteH-mm. Not too keen with the Bombay blast. Not too pleased with the Sparky reluctance. Got to go with the girl. Sensitive, yes, but so much potential to learn with the right rider and not a lot of preconceived notions as to how things are supposed to be done. I'd vote for Paris.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough one. You'll probably be fighting Sparky the entire time, and you'll probably be trying to calm Bombay's energy down the entire time. Paris is, indeed, a good choice!
ReplyDeleteWell, it looks like we have a clear winner here, although I question Jen's assumption that I won't have to calm Paris down. Door Number Two it is!
ReplyDeleteI let y'all know how it goes.