Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two Glorious Words: CLOSEOUT PRICES

It's that fabulous time of year again. Winter is quickly losing steam, Easter is coming, and the world is coming to life. Which can only mean one thing...

Spring Shopping Spree!

I really didn't feel like writing more of my story today (there's plenty of time for that), so I decided to splurge a little... You may have noticed, I like shopping. Who doesn't? But online shopping is the best, because I rarely make impulse buys. Still, online stores are a danger zone for me, and I try to avoid them as much as I can. But who can resist the lure of those two magical words that seem so popular at this time of year... That's right, Closeout Prices.

I concentrated my shopping on one site: Dover Saddlery. Maybe I'll cover the deals offered by SmartPak or other sites later on. But for now, let's take it one store at a time, shall we?

Among the pages and pages of sales items, Dover is offering...

Dublin Full-Seat Breeches, regularly $80, on sale half-off for about $40. Available in sand, green beige, and black. Who can resist a classic? And at a reduced price, no less.

On Course Full-Seat Breeches, in navy, black, and beige, are on sale 70% off for $40, if you like a slight variety.

And, good thing I am not in charge of purchasing Blaze's blankets. I'm known for parading him around in pink plaid, and you KNOW this "jewel"-toned plaid blanket (magenta, purple, and pink) would just look fabulous on him. And for only $25? Who could resist?

And speaking of plaids, Kensington's Ice Plaid Fly Masks are just one more reason I am glad not to have to shop for Blaze. Even so, I may get this one just as a luxury, as it matches one of my saddlepads. In unique shades of Blue Ice and Plum Ice, who could pass up this plaid?

If you want to stock up on riding shirts, there are several short-sleeve riding tees on sale for very cheap, from Ovation and Irideon. This Dri-Lex Zip Tee, for instance, is available in several Spring pastels, and is on sale for $10 off.

Not yet impressed? Never fear! The list goes on and on and on. Fifty-three pages of closeout prices. I may have died and gone to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. The Relient K ProjectMarch 30, 2010 at 5:55 PM

    Ohh, don't even tell me this! I'm trying to save money to lease!
